Tips, tricks and articles on FoodCommerce and running an online grocery shop
Our pledge to get you launched
With no additional charge, we pledge to get your online shop launched. Here's what that actually means.
Marketing your online shop
You need to tell people you are there as it's a bit like having a shop down a dark alley.
New product features
Prevent customers ordering products for delivery on a day of the week when they won't be available + two new features to help you do things quicker and easier.
Updates to your theme
New SEO features to help people find you more easily, URL slugs and redirects to help your marketing, and customers can now delete their own account.
Trusted customers
You can now give trusted customers the option to pay by cash on delivery and insist everyone else pays with a card.
Customising your styles
How to create a new style sheet for your online shop using Visual Source Code, Bootstrap, Sass and Gulp.
Lead times explained
Use lead times to set the dispatch date on courier orders, to give yourself time to prepare your orders, and additional time to get or prepare an uncommon or special product.
Charging for actual weight
Smaller food retailers typically sell items either loose or cut and charge the customer for the actual weight they get.
Brand new default theme
Today I am announcing our "default" theme has just undergone a major update! All new online shops and most new themes for existing shops will now adopt this design standard.
GDPR and your online shop
When the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on the 25th May it will affect the rights of individuals who register with your online shop. Here are the things you need to consider.
Taking Christmas orders
Taking orders for Christmas turkeys in October whilst continuing to accept regular daily orders would ordinarily require some exceptional organisational skills, however, delivery slots in FoodCommerce does all this for you.
Telephone orders
If you use Stripe as your payment gateway, or will accept payment on delivery, you can now add customer orders directly in the Control Panel and by doing so take advantage of FoodCommerce's order fulfilment processes.
How did you hear about us?
We all want to know how effective our marketing has been and one way to do this is to ask shoppers when they register on your online shop "how did you hear about us?".
Resizing and cropping images
A step by step guide on how to resize images ready to be uploaded to your website or marketing emails.
SEO - doing it in your FoodCommerce shop
An explanation of the elements of SEO and how to tweak your FoodCommerce online shop to distinguish it from others in Google and other search engines.
What makes grocery different?
An explanation of the differences between grocery and traditional e-commerce and why the grocery model works best for food and local retailers.
Creating separate user accounts
It's easy and makes your website and data much more secure.